At the end of Lab 01
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
Module: Configure Subscriptions | Create an Azure Hierarchy
There is a better diagram at
Lab 02a - Manage Subscriptions and Azure RBAC
Make sure you are in DEFAULT DIRECTORY, not CONTOSO LAB.If New-AzRoleDefinition returns an error "Operation returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden'", it probably means you missed exercise 1 task 1 step 3. If you have Cloud Shell open while performing that step then you will need to close it and open it again.
Lab 03a - Manage Azure Resources using the Portal
If going through the Marketplace, add "managed Disk".
Module: Configure Virtual Networks | Create Subnets
Note that subnets have five unavailable addresses. The first and last addresses are unavailable because of protocol conformance, and Azure reserves three more addresses (.1, .2, and .3).
Eg: For the subnet, the valid addresses for hosts are to
Lab 06 - Implement Traffic Management
Sometimes Network Watcher takes a long time to register the region, making it impossible to use the Connection Troubleshoot tool.
In this case, use the Run Command, Run PowerShell Script tool to run Test-NetConnection.
On all four machines, run the following.
Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName *echo* | Enable-NetFirewallRule
On vm0, run the following.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Success.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Success.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Success.
On vm2, run the following.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Success.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Fails until routing is set up.
On vm3, run the following.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Success.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -TraceRoute # Fails until routing is set up.
Module: Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync | Manage Azure Files shares
Command Prompt:
net use z: \\\assets /u:20533lab06store816572 R3O/lcberxolZJ/0BDqp9epj5wm3t5LH24uUAHoKP++uiG8ybgH8/j/7Ks2b0Bo6IfHdbW909CO/CylDtXVvFw==
$Pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "R3O/lcberxolZJ/0BDqp9epj5wm3t5LH24uUAHoKP++uiG8ybgH8/j/7Ks2b0Bo6IfHdbW909CO/CylDtXVvFw==" -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "20533lab06store816572", $Pwd
New-PSDrive -Name "P" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\\assets -Credential $Cred
Lab 08
Warning: Use the [T] feature to type the JSON code into Notepad in the lab machine, then copy and paste from Notepad into the web browser. Do not [T] the JSON directly into the web browser.
Get-WindowsFeature "*web-server*"
Module: Configure Azure Container Instances
Lab 09a, Task 3
The password for the Git user must contain all four of lowercase letter, uppercase letter, digit, and punctuation (but it cannot contain a full stop).
Lab 10
When using Skillable labs: The template files do not create the virtual machines in the location you specify - they create them in East US 2 (where the precreated RG is created). Make sure you create the Recovery Services Vault in this region (or wherever the VMs are!).
Module: Configure Azure Montor
Lab 11
Delivery Hint: Brief students on the region pars for LAW and AA.
Supported regions for linked Log Analytics workspace | Microsoft Docs