Azure Sponsored Trial Ringfencing

Written for WS-050 but also applicable to other courses using the sponsored trials.

Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNameSpace "Microsoft.Compute"

# I suggest you run the following now, to save time in later exercises.
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.DataMigration

#$Location = "West Central US"

#$Location = "Australia East"

$Location = "West US 2"

#$Location = "Central US"

Get-AzVMUsage -Location $Location `
| Select-Object @{l="ResourceType";e={$PSItem.Name.LocalizedValue}}, CurrentValue, Limit `
| Where-Object { $PSItem.ResourceType -in "Standard DSv3 Family vCPUs", 
"Standard DSv5 Family vCPUs", "Standard FSv2 Family vCPUs", "Total Regional vCPUs" }

Get-AzComputeResourceSku -Location $Location `
| Where-Object { ($PSItem.Family -in "standardDSv3Family", 
"standardDSv5Family", "standardFSv2Family" ) -and ( $PSItem.ResourceType -eq "virtualMachines" ) } `
| Sort-Object Family, Name `
| ft Name, Family, @{l="Restriction";e={$PSItem.Restrictions.ReasonCode -join ", "}}